Unit 6: BioTech + Art

The interaction, use and modification of living cells is a popular form of art, yet causes a lot of controversy and debate. Many artists work that involves altering human and animals cells is questioned by society whether it is ethical or not. We can see biotechnology in both Eduardo Kac and Stelarc’s art pieces. With the use of cellular and bio-molecular processes the manipulation of living organisms is made possible. 

Eduardo Kac and his iconic florescent bunny is a prime example of biotechnology. This bunny came about by injecting a green fluorescent protein of a jellyfish into the fertilized egg of an albino rabbit. This sparked many ethical concerns and many questioned if the bunny should even be considered as art. This bunny quickly received the name Alba, and she only glows when illuminated in the correct light. Osamu Shimomura is another artist that uses a similar concept as Kac and creates a glowing jellyfish. In my opinion animal manipulation is unethical because bunnies are not made to glow. Although this is a controversial topic, the fluorescent gene can be beneficial because doctors can use it to detect cancer. With the use of biology, cells and technology; this genetically engineered bunny is now an iconic art piece and influences other artists.

Eduardo Kac's florescent bunny

Stelarc and his third ear is another example of using biotechnology and in this case Stelarc is using his own body as a form of art. With many surgeries and cell cultivation, the formation of an ear is formed below the skin. He has to continue to use stem cells and surgery to protect the shape of the ear and to keep its form. The technological surgical modification ties in with the idea of the cyborg and post-human aspects. Stelarc's idea implements the idea of technology, biology, human cells and midifying the human body. 

Stelarc and his third ear

This topic is very interesting and I learned a lot of new information that I did not know beforehand. In my opinion I believe many of these practices and art forms are unethical, but in some cases biotechnology can be beneficial to us humans. If no harm is done during the process and the outcome will benefit the larger society, then I am in support of using biotechnology to modify/manipulate living organisms.

Biotechnology Innovation Organization. "What is Biotechnology?", https://www.bio.org/what-biotechnology. Accessed 14 may 2017.

Cascone, Sara. "Artist Grows Third Ear to Let the Internet Listen In on His Life", 13 Aug. 2015, https://news.artnet.com/art-world/artist-stelarc-grows-third-ear-324745. Accessed 15 May 2017. 

Genome News Network. "Transgenic bunny by Eduardo Kac", 29 Mar. 2002, http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articles/03_02/bunny_art.shtml. Accessed 14 may 2017. 

Ruiz, Vanessa. "Stelarc’s Third Ear", may 2013, http://streetanatomy.com/2012/06/27/stelarcs-third-ear/. Accessed 14 May 2017. 

Vesna, Victoria. “BioTech+Art.” Desma 9: Art, Science and Technology. Los Angeles, CA. April 9, 2012. Lecture.


  1. Reading this blog was very interesting and even a little creepy. I had no idea that scientists were able to make different animals glow. I share the same opinion, in that if it benefits the large society while doing little or no harm to the animal, I am in support of that.


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