
Showing posts from April, 2017


It is important to understand that science and technology has greatly impacted our modern day medicine. These medical technologies are traced back to the Egyptians dissecting and preserving their mummies, and ancient India discovering plastic surgery. Wilhelm Rontgen’s detection of x-rays and Raymond Damadian’s invention of the MRI are some important advancements that have impacted and benefited the medical world. The MRI is an examination used to view the inside of the human body without cutting it open. It is “able to detect diseased tissue or injury more accurately, safely, and efficiently than any other medical imaging technique” (Bergman).  Silvia Casini acknowledges that an MRI allows scientists and artists to examine the unseen and access to all parts of the body. By studying detailed MRI’s, artists are then able to replicate the human body in various art forms.  MRI scan Orlan Plasti