Event Blog #1: Artist Sarah Brady

On April 4th I attended Sarah Brady's solo exhibition at UCLA's Fine Art Center. Sarah is a graduate student and she is an expertise in film, sound, and installation. This was my first time going to an exhibition and I was amazed and impressed with her work. The focus of her exhibition is material reiteration. She displayed a total of 3 sculptures and she tied them all together by constructing each piece with the same rare earthly material.

This first sculpture exhibits reiteration. 
It is made out of graphite, wood and in between the two pillars there is a binaural field sound recording. The two pillars are the same size, so I made the connection that she used the concept of math to construct it. She also uses the idea of perspective, as I learned in lecture that many artists use in their work. She advised me to stand in between the two pillars and look at the other sculptures stationed in front. The sound from the pillars and position the viewer stands in is intended to change the perspective and the way we should view the other two art pieces.

This interactive sculpture is motorized and made out of the graphite and wood. The motorized turner pushes the imported rocks in a circle and slowly the rocks build up and fall off the side, as you can see in the picture. Due to the rock being pushed together, it created a loud sound. This was my favorite of her three pieces because it was so mesmerizing and intriguing to watch. 

Her last sculpture is a 3D scan and replication of Molycorp rare earth mine. This piece is made out of graphite, wood and Aluminum. This is an example of a rebuild of the earth mine. This represents the layered levels of earth that are dug out below the top surface, but in her vision it is reversed and the layers are instead stacked up.  

I enjoyed my first experience at the exhibition. It was beneficial to have learned about the relationship of math and art in Week 2 lecture because I was able to make a connection to Sarah's creations. It is intriguing that she tied all of the pieces together with her theme of reiteration of rare earth materials. I had a positive experience and I would recommend her artwork to fellow classmates.


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